Money Sings

Registered: ​9th July 1963
Duration: 24 minutes
Feet: 2160 feet
Board of Trade Certificate number: ​​​​​​​BR/E28681
Produced for: United Artists
Production Company: ​​​​​Harold Baim Film Productions (London) Limited

More Film Stills: ​at baimfilms.com (opens in new window)
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A lively pop musical with a variety of talent and music.

Title and Credits:

Featuring :
- Johnny Carson
- Patricia Shakesby
- The Condors
- Gerald Campion, John Rutland, Margot Lane, Frank Hawkins, Gkynn Dale, Jack Grossman

Screenplay: Michael Barnes
Music and Lyrics: Ron Lockyer, Johnny Carson
"Blue Minuet"  Clive Graham
Additional Music : De Wolfe
Photographed in Eastmancolor by: Dennis Ayling
Camera Operator : Terry Maher
Location Photography : Alan Pudney
Sound Recordists : Peter Burch, Cyril Brown
Art Director : Denys Pavitt
Film Editor : Tom Lemay
Assistant Director : Hector Lewes
Continuity : Marjorie Owens
Make-Up : Gerry Fairbanks
Produced by: Harold Baim
Directed by : Frank Gilpin


Ray: Two white coffees, please.

What did mommy say when you walked in last night?
Didn't you say that you were playing with dynamite?
Did you look at you and frown and say that you let her down? Or what did mommy say when you got in so late last night?
I know you said that you should be back home by nine.
But when I'm with you, I just forget about time.
When I'm out with you alone, I don't think about going home. So what did mommy say when you got in so late last night?
The moon was shining bright above. And the night was made for love.
To waste your lips would be a crime. And I don't feel like serving time. So what did mommy say when you walked through the door?
Did you say that you just can't go out anymore?
Did she look at you inside and say that you made her cry? What did mommy say when you got in at 12 last night?
Oh, the moon was shining bright above, and the night was made for love.
To waste your lips would be a crime, and I don't feel like serving time. So what did mommy say when you walked through the door?
Did she say that you just can't go out anymore?
Did she look at you and frown and say that you let her down? But what did mommy say when you got home so late last night?
Oh, what did mommy say when you got in so late last night?

Julie: That was great, Ray.

Ray: Thanks. You can join my fan club if you don't mind being lonely.

Julie: Don't be like that, darling. You're bound to get a break one day.

Ray: One day. I'll be the oldest boy wonder in the business, by then. What am I supposed to use for money in the meantime?

Julie: We'll get by. It isn't as if you depended on singing. It is just a sideline.

Ray: Look at the singers who've got a disc in the top 20. Houses, cars, the lot, and plenty saved, I'll bet, for the time when the kids don't think they're so hot anymore.

Julie: But you've got a good, steady job. You're not so broke you couldn't save a bit.

Ray: Oh, I used to be a great saver once, Julie, would you believe it? I can still remember when my dad gave me my first money box, along with a lecture on the virtue of thrift. I used to get a big kick out of putting my pennies in. Had quite a bit saved in the post office by the time I left school.

Julie: What happened then?

Ray: I stopped saving and started spending. All of a sudden I found the world was full of things I wanted to have, things I wanted to do. I had a steady job and couldn't see the sense in working if I couldn't buy what I wanted. The trouble with money is it always seems to go out a bit faster than it comes in.

Julie: I still think you could save a little.

Ray: A little is right. What good's that? But maybe I will get a break one day, like you said. These test records the group and I are making tomorrow. Who knows? We may strike it rich. And then you and I can get married. How would you like a nice house, by the river? And a gold bath with platinum taps?

Dream on, little girl. Your dreams so fine a dream. Dream on little girl. I got my dream that your mine.
Well I'm a walking on clover. I'm on cloud number nine. So come on dream. I dream that your mine.
Oh baby, last night. Oh, with the records down low.
Heard you went off to dreamland. Well, I know that so.
Oh, when I'm walking on clover, I'm on cloud number nine. So come on, dream. I dream that your mine.
Dream on, little girl. Your dreams' so fine.
Oh dream on little girl, I gonna dream you're mine.
Well I'm walking on clover, I'm on cloud number nine. But so, come on, dream, a dream that your mine.
Oh, baby, last night, with the records down low. Hey, you went off to dreamland. Well, I know that its so.
Well I'm a walking on clover, I'm on cloud number nine. So come on dream, a dream that you are mine.

Music Producer: That was fine, boys. We'll do the next number.

Well, do you love me as I love you? Will you always be very true? Come on, say yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh yes indeed. Oh, yeah, indeed.
Now all the stars up in the sky. Oh, they are twinkling within your eyes. Come on, say yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, yes indeed. Ooh.
If only I knew which way your love. Which way your love is gonna go. Don't tell me true, all of these things. Tell me, 'cos I've got to know.
Well, do you love me as I love you? Or will you always be very true? Come on, say yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, yes, indeed. Oh, yeah indeed.
If only I knew which way your love, which way your love is gonna go. Come tell me true, all of these things. Tell me, 'cos I've got to know.
Well, do you love me as I love you? Oh, will you always be very true? Come on, say yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, yes indeed. Oh, yeah indeed.
Come on, say yeah yeah yeah. Oh, yes indeed.

Micawber: My other piece of advice, Copperfield, you know. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen and six , result happiness.

Micawber: The blossom is blighted, the leaf is withered. The god of day goes down upon the dreary scene. And you are, in short, forever flawed. As I am.

Father: Hello Ray, how's it coming along?

Ray: How's what coming along?

Father: The number. Is it going to be, what do you call it, top of the pops?

Ray: How should I know?

Julie: Ray!

Ray: I'm sorry.

Father: Ah, no offense. The artistic temperament and all that. We quite understand, don't we, mother?

Mother: Yes, dear. I'm sure we all try our hardest not to disturb Ray while he's working.

Ray: It might be better if you didn't try so hard.

Mother: Well, really!

Ray: How can I concentrate when I know you're sitting there holding your breath and wishing you could switch on the telly?

Father: Now, that's not fair to Julia's mother or me, lad. I hope we've made you welcome here. But there's got to be a bit of give and take on both sides.

Julie: Dad's right, Ray, so they do turn off the television when you're composing. Well, you ought to be grateful.

Ray: You too? Oh, I'm sorry, it's just that I seem to be all on edge these days.

Mother: You haven't been yourself lately. What you and Julie need is a holiday.

Father: That's right. A week or two by the sea would do you the world of good.

Julie: Could we, Ray?

Ray: A holiday? I like that! How could we afford a holiday?

Father: Well, surely you could afford a couple of weeks? you must have saved something. After all, it doesn't cost you very much living here with us, you know. What do you do with your money?

Ray: Money doesn't go far these days.

Father: Money never went far without prudence.

Ray: So, it's prudence I need., is it? Prudence and planning? What I need is privacy. Privacy, that's what I need.

Mother: Politeness wouldn't do any harm either.

Ray: That'll be the new disc player. Bring it right in.

Delivery Man: Right, sir. Morning, ma'am. Where'd you like it?

Julie: Oh, over there, please. Oh Ray, isn't it exciting?

Ray: You wait till you hear it.

Julie: Oh, while he's fixing it up, I'll just slip downstairs and see if the post's come.

Delivery Man: Now if you've got a disc, sir, we can try it out.

Ray: Yes. Right here.

Take two that will kiss me so sweetly.
Take two arms that will hold me so tight.
Take a love that will last for all time.
And a girl that I've made my wife.
Add my love, and my true devotion. And darling, then you will see.
That although this little room is so empty, these four walls will be a castle to me.
Add a little of luck and good fortune, to last us all through the year.
Stir some joy and laughter and sunshine, and maybe a few little tears.
Even though we have nothing around us. My darling, you will see.
That, although this little room is so empty, these four walls will be a castle to me.

Delivery Man: Not bad. Who was it?

Julie: My husband. They all seem to be for you, darling.

Delivery Man: Well, I'll be getting along now.

Ray: Right, thank you.

Delivery Man: Oh, thank you sir. Well, cheerio. See you on the hit parade, eh?

Ray: Who knows? Goodbye. How do you like these, then?

Julie: They're lovely, of course. But why have they sent them to us?

Ray: I wrote for them, that's why.

Julie: We can't possibly afford things like this.

Ray: Yes, we can on the old never, never. Look at the deposit, £5 down and its ours. And look at this..

Julie: Here's a letter you haven't opened.

Ray: I wonder who this is from. It's from the record company.

Julie: But for goodness sake, what do they say?

Ray: They've accepted our test disc and they're putting it out under their label. And they have 'pleasure in enclosing our cheque for £50 as an advance in royalties'. Pleasure. Where's that bottle of champagne? This is just what we've been keeping it for.

Julie: Isn't it a bit early in the morning for champagne?

Ray: It's never too early.

Julie: But we haven't got the right glasses.

Ray: Who cares? Here's to the time we have champagne for breakfast every morning. And out of the right glasses. Now, what's to be; fridge, telly, tape recorder? Or how about some..

Julie: Ray?

Ray: Yes?

Julie: Couldn't we, couldn't we save it?

Ray: Oh, not that again. What's money for anyway?

Julie: Oh, darling, you're always moaning that you never have any money. And now the first time you get an amount like this all at once, you want to go out and spend the lot.

Ray: I never said the lot.

Julie: I know you. It burns a hole in your pocket. If you went out with £50, you'd come back owing £2 to somebody.

Ray: That's nice. Not got much faith in me, have you?

Julie: You know I have. It's just that we seem to go frittering money away on things that don't really matter, when we could be..

Ray: Saving up for our old age? How square can you get?

Julie: Saving up for our own home, I was going to say I don't want to spend the rest of my life in dumps like this. I want us to be happy together with our own home and our own kids. I thought you wanted it, too. I thought that that was what we got married for. If that's square, well, I'm sorry, but that's just the way I am.

Oh, let's set the world on fire. Oh my baby. Please do.
We'll fall in love by the fire. Oh my baby, me and you.
Whoah, whoa, whoa I know it. You show it every time.
That you'd set the world on fire. Oh, with me, baby, anytime.
Come walk with me in the moonlight. Oh my baby. Please do.
We'll fall in love in the moonlight. Oh my baby, me and you.
Whoah, whoa, whoa I know it. You show it every time.
I'll bet you'd fall in love with me, baby, in the moonlight, most any time.
Whoah, whoa, whoa well I know it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you show it. Oh cuddle up a little closer baby. You know you were meant for me.
You'll walk with me in the moonlight. Oh my baby, please do.
We'll fall in love in the moonlight. Oh my baby, me and you.
Whoah, whoa, whoa I know it. You show it every time.
I'll bet you'd fall in love with me, baby, in the moonlight, most any time.
Oh, that you'd fall in love with me, baby. in the moonlight, most any time.

Bank Manager: And as our surveyor has given a satisfactory report on the House you want to purchase, I'm glad to be able to tell you, you can go ahead.

Ray: That's great.

Julie: Thank you very much.

Bank Manager: Now it's our turn to invest in you. I'll have the necessary forms drawn up and sent to you for signature. Oh, by the way, I've been hearing rather a lot of your latest record. It's not my sort of music, of course, but my son and daughter have just about worn it out. Well, keep up the good work. I like to see young people make the grade.

Partygoer: Come on, everybody. Here's to Roy and Julie's new home, and may they live happily ever after.

Partygoers: Hear, hear.

Well, I can pick the sun from out of the sky. And I can stop a river from rolling by. I can do most anything you want me to. But don't you know I can't stop loving you?
Now I can stop the world from turning around. And I can dig a hole right through the ground. I can do most anything you want me to. But don't you know I can't stop loving you?
Well, loving you is all I need to do. It takes up all my night and day. Mornin', noon and even nighttime too. I love you in so many, many ways.
Yeah, I can swim the ocean far and wide. And I can stop the surging, rolling tide. I can do most anything you want me to. But don't you know I can't stop loving you?
Well, loving you is all I need to do. It takes up all my night and day. Hell, morning, noon and even night time too. I love you in so many, many ways.
Yeah. I can swim the ocean far and wide. And I can't stop the surging rolling tide. I can do most anything you want me to. But don't you know I can't stop loving you?
Yeah. Don't you know I can't stop loving you?

[The End]

All music should be cleared with 

De Wolfe Music 
Queen’s House 
180-182 Tottenham Court Road 